AF SUMMIT 2024. Signiel Busan, Korea

November 8 (Fri.) - 9 (Sat.), 2024

Registration Submission

  • Step 01Personal Information
  • Step 02Select Registration Fee
  • Step 03Payment Progress
  • Step 04Confirmation

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Personal Information

Personal Information

Did you submit an abstract? *

* If you completed the abstract submission, please enter your abstract number below to bring your personal information.

Nationality *
E-mail *
Date of Birth *

ex) 901231

Title *
Name *

ex) Gildong Hong

Department *
Affiliation *
Phone Number *

+ Country Code


Mobile Number

* Please enter Number only.
ex) 01012341234

Preventing Automation
Program Entry *

* For information security, you can register as a member after entering the text written below.

※ After you proceed to the next step, you should go to the ‘Registration Confirmation and Receipt’ step and enter your information to continue your ongoing registration.