AF SUMMIT 2024. Signiel Busan, Korea

November 8 (Fri.) - 9 (Sat.), 2024

Submission Guidelines

abstract submuission guideline warning

Abstract Submission Guideline will explain A to Z about submitting an abstract to offer you the proper instruction for your successful abstract submission.
Please check the guideline carefully prior to submitting your abstract. If you have any inquiries on submitting, please send an e-mail to the AF Summit 2024 Secretariat

AF Summit 2024 Secretariat:

Key Dates(KST)

  • Abstract Submission Deadline

    September 30, 2024

  • Notification of Acceptance

    In the Middle of October, 2024

Abstract Category

  • Epidemiology & Mechanism
  • Screening & Digital health
  • Anticoagulation
  • Rate control & Rhythm control (except catheter ablation)
  • Catheter ablation
  • Imaging & Mapping
  • Interesting case

Abstract Submission Process

  • Step 1

    Fill-out Your
    Personal Information

    Please provide your accurate contact details (e-mail address, mobile phone number, etc..)

  • Step 2

    Abstract Submission

    Follow every step to
    complete your
    abstract submission

  • Step 3

    Preview &
    Abstract Submission

    Modifications can be made on
    <Abstract Review & Modification>
    until the submission deadline

  • Step 4

    Confirmation Email

    Notification of abstract
    submission will be sent via email

  • Step 5

    Acceptance of Notification

    Notification will be sent via
    email in mid-September

Abstract Format

* Please ensure that the abstract follows each section
Language English
Word Limitation Abstract should not exceed 300 words
Attachments Maximum 2 images (table or graphic) are allowed per submission
* GIF/JPG/PNG formats with high resolution, 300dpi or higher)
Background and Objectives Describe the rationale of the study
Subjects and Methods Outline the study design and key methods
Results Summarize the main research findings concisely
Conclusion Provide a description of the analyzed results
Note Please double-check the co-author information before your submission

Notification of Acceptance

  • Notification of abstract acceptance will be provided through individual emails.
  • During the abstract evaluation, the author's preferred presentation format (Oral/Poster) will be considered; however, the scientific committee may propose a different format than the preferred one.

Abstract Modification or Withdrawal

  • Abstracts can be modified and submitted on the <Abstract Submission Page> until the deadline.
  • To withdraw your abstract, please email your request to the AF Summit 2024 secretariat. (
  • Once submitted, the abstract is considered to have the author's (including co-authors) consent for the following: Publication distribution
  • Corrections can be made by the AF Summit 2024 scientific committee to improve an abstract (i.e., typos, grammatical errors)

Award Guidance

Category No. of recipients
Outstanding Abstract Award
(The Highest-Ranking Abstract)
1 Outstanding Abstract
Best Abstract Award 1 Outstanding Abstract
Honorable Mention 3 Outstanding Abstract
Please note that award-related details may be subject to change.

Abstract Presenter Benefit

  • Travel Grant USD 500 (Overseas Only)
Any Inquires to the AF Summit 2024 Secretariat at